About Us
The activities, skills and know-how of Quinta Luce are aimed at film productions of both feature films and short films, documentaries, television productions, organization of major events, film productions and institutional and corporate communication projects, transmedia projects, editorials and of merchandising.

Alessandro Savioli
COO & Executive Producer
He deals with operational management with the aim of being able to best satisfy the creative needs of a production by optimizing the organizational structure and the resources employed. Coordinates and supervises each project from the moment it passes from the creative phase to the development and production phases. If his thumb doesn't point upwards, not even a pencil moves, but when he gets to work he can move heaven and earth like a tsunami to achieve the maximum result of each production. By character and by his role, he has a marked self-control which makes him appear particularly calm and assertive… But be careful, it is known that still water causes bridges to fall.
Alberto Bader
CEO & Creative Producer
It deals with the creative management of a project from when it is proposed to us (book, adaptation, subject, treatment, screenplay, etc.) or conceived internally, with the aim of directing it towards its definitive form most suitable for its final use or its reference targets. It is a fundamental support for authorial figures, both beginners and already experienced and experienced, for a targeted comparison and/or coaching in order to arrive in the best possible way at the subsequent stages of development and pre-production.
He seems like a calm and harmless guy… But be careful because he's actually like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The Misterious Woman
Art Director
He takes care of the Visual & Graphic elements of each project. The creation of all the visual and graphic elements for each realization are his world. Whether it's static 2D graphics or the most complex animation, using a variety of techniques, she is the perfect resource to get the best result. Its distinctive element is the rare and innate ability to always find the right way to combine the visual impact of the visual and graphic elements with the specific style and language of each work we produce to emphasize its main characteristics and enrich it.
Beautiful, nice, outgoing, stylish and stubborn… Super dynamic and to keep up with her you will have to give your best.